
Friday, July 15, 2011

The fantastic Caroline of Spooning with a Schoolboy & the lovely Miss Wave of hey there, dream chaser both nominated me for some blog games that strangely both have the number 7 involved in them, so here goes~

The first is this super-sweet blog award from Miss Wave ❤ I'm always slightly surprised when anyone nominates me for these because I truly don't think my blog is anywhere near the level of a lot of others on my blogroll, but I'm always grateful nonetheless!

The only rule of this award is to tell 7 random things about yourself~

ミ☆ My hair is actually super-curly. Yes, I spend about 45 mins a day just styling it alone (●´艸`)ヾ 
ミ★ Growing up, I attended 4 different elementary schools, 2 middle schools & just 1 high school.
ミ☆ I am actually horribly, painfully shy.
ミ★ My very first relationship was online.
ミ☆ I used to want to be become a criminal psychologist or work with the FBI à la The Silence of the Lambs interviewing psychos. The more crazy/dangerous, the better.
ミ★ When I was little, I really believed I had blonde hair. Up until the age of 7, I think, when I finally decided to look in the mirror & face the truth (●´艸`)ヾ
ミ☆ I'm only 5'3" but people always think I'm taller.

Passing this award on to the following lovelies~ Sami, Hana, Rii, Emy, Bianca, Eden & Hachi(*^^)^*) ☆Chu!!

The second is the 7 Links Project that Caroline nominated me for. I didn't think I would be able to do this one so easily since I feel my blog's content isn't really that varied, but here's what I was able to come up with ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン! 

1) My most beautiful post

I chose this post as most beautiful only because out of all my inspirational photo posts, this one just came out so cohesive &... beautiful! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!

2) My most popular post

Thank god for Blogger's stats page, hahaha~ I never would have guessed this post had the most page views (T▽T)ノ_彡☆ばんばん!Though I guess you can't go wrong with pics of fabulous gals with fabulous hair~

3) My most controversial post

I think this was probably my most controversial post just because it deals with an issue that goes across the board for a lot of readers of this blog & that's body image. I posted that I admired Detsu for her non-stick-thin shape & willingness to celebrate her curves, but a lot of people actually still thought she was thinner than the average girl. Just a matter of opinion, I guess~

4) My most helpful post 

I would definitely call this my most helpful post because any time I can help bring attention to fabulous blogs, it's a good thing! ★=(−.⌒)

5) A post whose success surprised me

So according to my blog's stats, this post came in second place after the hair one. Surprise much too, haha? This was really just another outfit post for me, but looking back on it now, I think it really captured last summer & my tastes back then. It's interesting to see the evolution! ❤

6) A post I feel didn't get the attention it deserved

This is a purely fluff post I'm choosing because I honestly can't say why some posts catch people's interest & others don't haha~ I really liked this makeup trend from last summer though so I was kind of sad not many people picked up on it! (´Д`。)グスン 

7) The post that I am most proud of

This post was a big turning point not just in my life but in my blog~ it was while I was writing this that I came to the realisation I needed to completely change the direction of my focus for my career, my attitude & my style. It also symbolises the end & the beginning of the journey I am currently on. I was also really touched that I received so many wonderful & encouraging comments from people I have come to know & adore through this blog ❤

But because some things will never change, aka I am lazy, I am nominating the same gorgeous ladies above for this project too ( ̄▼ ̄)ノ_彡☆ばんばん!


see you~

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